Our kitchen needs your support for our new program! With only one family shelter in Washtenaw County, there has been a displacement of hundreds of families and has decreased access to a variety of services and necessities, including food. To answer this need, we have partnered with MISSION A2 to provide meals for more than 50 families four days a week. With our Family Meals Program, we have more than TRIPLED the number of free community meals we are serving each week.

We need our FedUp community behind us to be sure we are providing these folks with quality meals they deserve! Our goal is to raise $5,000 to continue our meal delivery services. We are excited about the opportunity to provide delicious, nutritious meals to these families with kids of all ages. Please help us by donating at fedupministries.org/give. Check out our new video below for more information.

We are so excited about this new program, but it is taking a lot of energy from our team and volunteers. Due to high demand and urgency of the Family Meals Program, we are focusing our efforts on the families we are serving over the course of the next three weeks, until the emergency hotel housing program ends. We will begin to plan the grand opening of our Shower Facility in the first week of April. Stay tuned!